Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Wiggle Like A Fish Performance - June 16th at 2:00 PM

Thursday, June 16th at 2:00 pm
Richland Public Library
Outside on library lawn (weather permitting)
Richland Public Library
955 Northgate Drive
Richland, WA 99352


Start you summer vacation right with this energetic local performer!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Send us your art - we'll share it here on the WIGGLE blog!

OK kids and fans... we would love to see your drawings! Get out your crayons and your paper - and send your pictures to us! (This is open to all ages - we just ask that you keep it family friendly)

Here's how you can have your art featured on the Wiggle Like a Fish blog:

1. Draw a picture of your favorite song from the "Wiggle Like a Fish" or "Superman Can" CD by Tory Christensen

2. Have your Mom or Dad take a picture of the art and attach it to an email and send it to us - or scan the art and attach it to an email and send it to us.

3. Send the art to: Wigglelikeafish (at) yahoo (dot) com
(We typed it that way to avoid scammers) but hopefully you know how to put it all together in @ and . form! :)

4. Have fun and thanks for being part of the WIGGLE LIKE A FISH blog!
**We will only share your child's first name and age next to their art submission.

Go Away Grumpies ... at First Night Tri-Cities

First Night Tri-Cities / New Year's Eve 2010

Tory and his Dad perform at the CBC Campus in Pasco, WA on the Kid Stage as part of First Night Tri-Cities 2011.

"Go Away Grumpies" ....