Saturday, February 5, 2011

Send us your art - we'll share it here on the WIGGLE blog!

OK kids and fans... we would love to see your drawings! Get out your crayons and your paper - and send your pictures to us! (This is open to all ages - we just ask that you keep it family friendly)

Here's how you can have your art featured on the Wiggle Like a Fish blog:

1. Draw a picture of your favorite song from the "Wiggle Like a Fish" or "Superman Can" CD by Tory Christensen

2. Have your Mom or Dad take a picture of the art and attach it to an email and send it to us - or scan the art and attach it to an email and send it to us.

3. Send the art to: Wigglelikeafish (at) yahoo (dot) com
(We typed it that way to avoid scammers) but hopefully you know how to put it all together in @ and . form! :)

4. Have fun and thanks for being part of the WIGGLE LIKE A FISH blog!
**We will only share your child's first name and age next to their art submission.

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